Art - Picture Frames - Oil Paintings & Watercolors - Frame Style #867 - 8x10 - Traditional Wood Wood Picture Frames 8x10

Art - Picture Frames - Oil Paintings & Watercolors - Frame Style #867 - 8x10 - Traditional Wood - Wood Frames
Art - Picture Frames - Oil Paintings & Watercolors - Frame Style #867 - 8x10 - Traditional Wood - Wood Frames
Item# TN-C333-8x10
Regular price: $302.23
Sale price: $166.23
Availability: Usually ships in 3-4 business days

Product Description

Classic beauty, traditional scoop design frame in cherry wood tone finish. Matching liner..

Ornate Frames has searched far and wide to find this extraordinary collection of wall Picture Frames! Please be sure not to miss our entire collection of Picture Frames.

Please note that if you are ordering three or more larger frames that also carry a freight surcharge we can reduce that freight surcharge over the phone. Please note that this only applies to larger frame sizes.

As with all of our Picture Frames, this frame is sold by the size of the art that will fit in it. To derive the outside dimensions just add two times the moulding width. (Picture Frame)

45% Off - On Sale from Now until Friday April 12, 2019!

Dimensions: 8x10

Moulding Width: 5 3/4" is an "Ornate Picture Frames" website. All transactions will show on your bank or credit card statement as from "Ornate Picture Frames".

We have a minimum order amount of $75.00.